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Inglés empresarial. Business result - Nivel Medio

Inglés empresarial. Business result - Nivel Medio

Curso gratis para: Trabajadores y Empresas, consulta próxima convocatoria
Modalidad de realización del curso: -
Número de Horas: 90 Horas
Titulación: Diploma acreditativo con las horas del curso

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Objetivos: Desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias en el mundo empresarial y aumentar sus conocimientos sobre el mismo.


Working life

  1. Working with words: describing work rewarding
  2. Business communication skills: Socializing. Introductions
  3. Practically speaking: How to express interest
  4. Language at work: present simple review
  5. Case study: Speed networking


  1. Working with words: projects ahead of schedule
  2. Business communication skills: Meetings. Updating and delegating tasks
  3. Practically speaking: How to start and end phone calls
  4. Language at work: present simple and continuous
  5. Case study: planning a launch party

Leisure time

  1. Working with words: work-life balance, take time off
  2. Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Talking about leisure
  3. Practically speaking: How to end a conversation
  4. Language at work: past simple and present perfect
  5. Case study: corridor conversations

Services and systems

  1. Working with words: service convenient, user-friendly
  2. Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining how something works
  3. Practically speaking: how to introduce information
  4. Language at work: comparative forms
  5. Case study: improving systems


  1. Working with words: customer service. Expectations
  2. Business communication skills: exchanging information. Getting information
  3. Practically speaking: starting a conversation on the phone
  4. Language at work: present simple and continuous for future use
  5. Case study: managing customer feedback

Guests and visitors

  1. Working with words: business travel
  2. Business communication skills: Socializing. Welcoming visitors
  3. Practically speaking: how to make and respond to offers
  4. Language at work: obligation, necessity and prohibition
  5. Case study: solving an intercultural problem


  1. Working with words: security at work
  2. Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining and asking about changes
  3. Practically speaking: How to introduce and respond to news
  4. Language at work: present perfect simple and continuous
  5. Case study: improving data security

Working together

  1. Working with words: teamwork and partnerships
  2. Business communication skills: Meetings. Presenting and discussing plans
  3. Practically speaking: how to encourage people
  4. Language at work: talking about the future
  5. Case study: creating a plan for effective teamwork


  1. Working with words: Logistics and supply chains
  2. Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Placing and handling orders
  3. Practically speaking: how to leave a voicemail message
  4. Language at work: reported speech
  5. Case study: solving a logistic problem


  1. Working with words: describing a place of work
  2. Business communication skills: meetings. Making suggestions and recommendations
  3. Practically speaking: How to link ideas
  4. Language at work: nouns and quantifiers
  5. Case study: organizing a cause marketing event


  1. Working with words: decision-making put forward an idea
  2. Business communication skills: meetings. Participating in a discussion
  3. Practically speaking: how to be persuasive
  4. Language at work: first and second conditionals
  5. Case study: the decision game


  1. Working with words: innovation and new ideas
  2. Business communication skills: presenting. Giving a formal presentation
  3. Practically speaking: how to respond to difficult questions
  4. Language at work: Superlative forms
  5. Case study: presenting innovative products


  1. Working with words: breakdowns and faults
  2. Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Discussing problems
  3. Practically speaking: How to check someone understands
  4. Language at work: advice and recommendation
  5. Case study: managing a breakdown in service


  1. Working with words: processes, basic procedure
  2. Business communication skills: socializing. Planning future contact
  3. Practically speaking: how to get someone's attention
  4. Language at work: passive forms
  5. Case study: introducing new processes


  1. Working with words: personal qualities
  2. Business communication skills: meetings. Appraising performance and setting objectives
  3. Practically speaking: how to give feedback
  4. Language at work: past continuous and past perfect
  5. Case study: giving a successful presentation


  1. Working with words: fact-finding and achievement.
  2. Business communication skills: meetings. Reporting back
  3. Practically speaking: how to generalize
  4. Language at work: contrasting language
  5. Case study: Acting on research

Contenido del CD:

  1. 1 CD con audiciones del libro y workbook interactivo


Contenido del CD:

Audiciones sobre los contenidos del libro que refuerzan los ejercicios y el aprendizaje del material. 
Además de un surtido material adicional de e-mail, banco de frases y glosario de cada unidad.
También ofrece un vínculo online donde ofrece un apoyo adicional al alumno, más vocabulario, gramática y expresiones a su alcance.

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